So how is it for you singing out to someone else? For some people this takes courage and spirit. For some it is a salvation that helps them get deeper into their singing. Truly it can help when someone else is standing there and listening and receiving your singing. These things I kno
We search for uniqueness and here it is. Only you sound like you. I love working with people to release that unique voice. I love the courage it takes to truly sing your own being rather than imitate anyone else's singing. I love the creativity I hear as that voice soars.
Last night I was singing for the dancers in the Soul Motion group led by pioneer explorer Leela Fisk in Totnes. And experiencing what I love -the sound vibrating in a full way in me and the joy of meeting others from a centered, deeply rooted being. The teaching gave a good focus for
The flicker of a movement, the sparkle in the grass, the heavy weight of a cloud on the hills in the valley where I live, the streaks of morning sun in the sky. The spaces where the crows call and the buzzards pierce the dreaming… early morning practice… loving the day tha