Lovely Sarah, Thank you thank you thank you for such a beautiful weekend of gentle but oh so powerful deep medicine. The Divine Feminine in all her Grace, Beauty and Fierce Love!
I am still in an Awe some, wonder Full bath of a very grounded our chants, prayers and blessing follow me throughout the day.
I am, today, finding that path between the worlds, where both exist together. Where the Temple and the Market Place are not Two..
So, a huge shift in my Being
And a voice of longing filled.
Much much love
The rainbow path that includes, welcomes and can even celebrate the full rainbow of human experience. The workshop was held with a lot of subtle and fine energy. I felt a lot of feminine gentleness, ease and equanimous full hearted warmth and kindness in the holding: compassionate disengagement in keeping with a useful teaching on the workshop. Yet with this fine gentle loving holding, rich deep healing moves through within and around the work. The mystery and joy of the work.
I find since the workshop I am more attuned to the globality of sound around, especially the collective moving one song of nature. The quality of my listening has become more subtle and acute, and there is a joy in this, and more of a sense of subtle conversation with the natural wonderful world we are so privileged to land in. The power of stepping into interconnectedness wonderfully through sound. Through voice I can step down into the participation and non separateness with all life, when I do this my unique contribution to life naturally emerges. As a friend said ‘the voice doesn’t lie’. On the voice I can travel to heart, my heart and this world heart and sing in oneness with all things: there is no greater joy.
I have found myself singing each day since the workshop, simply as it is a joy to, and there is in addition a curious power and medicine that happens within it, carrying healing intentions and contributions that work to lighten and heal the body-mind that is both ‘mine’ and that which is interconnected with all our relations. Thank you for this joyous, deep and healing piece of my medicine and path.’