‘BuddhaSongs’ 2018
Sarah’s CDs are available on her website www. sarahpattersonmusic.com Here you can download and buy ‘The Snow Leopard’, ‘BuddhaSongs’, ‘White Tara’ and ‘Nandita’s Dream’ for children. There is a SongAid page with free downloads too.
BuddhaSongs’ and ‘White Tara’ are also available from https://music-medicine.co.uk/sarah-patterson You can also download her music from CDBaby, Amazon, Spotify etc.
Tibetan inspired music including ‘White Tara CD:
In These Hands, Sarah Patterson and Eileen O’Sullivan from the CD ‘White Tara’
Om Ah Hung – Sarah Patterson, featuring Gabriella Strumpel on cello and Daniel Bruck on tabla, ‘White Tara’ CD
Golden Rest – accapella, Sarah Patterson